Background verification (BGV) is also known as Background Screening.
The BGV process is essential for talent acquisition. The main goals of this white paper are to reduce the chances of making bad hires & improving the efficiency of the BGV process using the latest technologies, like remote hiring, blockchain and AI.
Focus Sections of the Whitepaper
- Why Background Verification Matters in the Modern Corporate Context
- Using Blockchain to Enhance & Accelerate Background Verification
- How Great BGV Enhances Candidate – And Company – Standards
- How COVID Impacted Background Screening & Verification
- Action Plan: Automating BGV Using Artificial Intelligence
Even though availability of talent is higher , there are chances of impersonation and fake candidature. Hence , PhonePe made all interviews include mandatory video calls.

Ashwin Kumar
Ex Talent Acquisition Lead @PhonePe (Current – Technical Recruiter @Google)
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