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<1 min | Posted on 05/02/2024

2024: Evergreen Recruitment Hacks That Still Work

Discover timeless recruitment hacks for hiring success! From social media savvy to flexible working, create a positive culture & streamline your process.

Advanced tech gives birth to recruitment hacks ever so often. Some might just fade away, while others work wonders and leave a long-lasting impression in HR. It is unlikely that something that worked back in the 90s will still work now, as everyone runs towards upgrading and improving.

However, there are still some tips and tricks that used to work, still work, and will always work. We have compiled a list of such hacks that you can use to improve your hiring process. So what are you waiting for? Inculcate these hacks and trends today and see how they work their magic!

Recruitment Hacks: Blast From the Past

We have compiled a list of recruitment hacks that existed even before the advancement of AI. You can use them too and take advantage of the good old tricks to hire top talent in quick TAT.

Go social or go home

Social media has always been around and recruiters have used it well to fill in positions in their organizations. However, the difference is the availability of platforms. Only a handful of platforms used to exist to provide jobs but now the times have changed. It’s time to look beyond LinkedIn and explore other platforms. Platforms like Instagram and Snapchat are also widely used to hire and you can do it too. After all, people are more addicted to reels as compared to looking for opportunities on Linkedin, and who knows which job post might click with whom, and where!

The hype around flexible working

This might have become common now but in the olden days, it used to be a luxury. If someone said they could work according to their schedule, people used to look up to them and highly appreciate the organization. Covid did result in the hype around remote working but kudos to you if you are still sticking to it. If you have a ‘work from office’ model or are following the same old 9-5 policy, it’s time to rethink and bring in flexible working. Your employees will thank you and you will be a star.

Provide a positive culture: always works!

People spend 8+ hours a day in their workplace and if it is toxic, it is going to take a toll on their mental health. People don’t tolerate negativity and they would like to work at a place where they can concentrate on their performance rather than on gossip. According to a survey, 58% of employees have quit a job, or would consider quitting, if they felt the culture was perpetuated by ‘bad behavior.’ It is important to keep a close eye on the attitude of the employees and fix something that doesn’t feel right instantly to maintain the decorum of the organization. It will not only keep your employees happy but it will also maintain positivity. 

Recruitment process: smooth as silk!

Companies can be sorted into 2 categories – one that takes months to reply to candidates and one that follows a smooth and clear recruitment process. You guessed it right, candidates prefer those companies that are diligent and quick with their hiring process. No candidate wants to wait around 3 months just to know if they have been selected or not. If they have not made the cut, it is always a good idea to explain the reason rather than keeping them hanging for a response. 

These are some of the hacks that have been working for a long time as they are not only beneficial for the organization but for the candidate as well. We hope that these will help you to improve your recruitment process.

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