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<1 min | Posted on 12/05/2023

How Oracle supercharged its hiring and boosted candidate relevancy to 90%

With increased candidate relevancy, Oracle closed the job positions with highly qualified candidates and less TAT.

With the help of Instayre’s hiring platform, Oracle could recruit for all the critical roles within deadlines. Recruiters were able to fine-tune their candidate search by applying precise filters, and they got only suitable matches for the profile.


  • Delay in the closure of job positions led to higher turn-around time.
  • Low candidate relevancy on other job portals.


  • Candidate relevancy and quality boosted to 90% using Instahyre.
  • Instahyre contributed to 70% of Oracle’s total hiring.

Instahyre has been great. I am able to meet my targets and have also been rewarded multiple times. I have already met my target of hires for ‘22. I have overachieved my target by 30%. When I compare Instahyre with other portals, the relevancy is just around 60%, but with Instahyre, the relevancy is up to 90%.

Chaitra Gowda

Talent Sourcer at Oracle

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