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<1 min | Posted on 29/06/2021

Stay close to your pipeline with Instahyre Inbox

Elevate your communication strategy with candidates with our in-built AI-enabled Inbox, which keeps them updated.

This datasheet will help you understand:

  • Improve candidate communication at scale while staying hyper-personal
  • Improve candidate engagement with a few simple steps
  • How AI is used to improve candidate response rates

Let us help you up your recruitment game by improving all this and much more using Instahyre Inbox.

Why Instahyre Inbox?

Talent acquisition teams often struggle to communicate with candidates effectively. When recruiters have many openings, it becomes almost impossible to keep in touch with every candidate manually. But, mass communication is not a solution. Our AI-enabled Instahyre Inbox helps you communicate effectively with multiple candidates and reduces recruiter effort.

What can you do with Instahyre Inbox?

  • View and Respond to all candidate conversations.
  • Check past conversations and all previous activity on the candidate profile
  • Schedule interviews, invite team members, create custom interview invite links, etc.
  • Integrate your account with Zoom, Microsoft Teams & Google Meet
  • Build personalized custom email templates for each hiring stage!
  • Activate automated reminder emails by our very own “InstaBot”

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