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<1 min | Posted on 03/07/2024

How Salesforce increased offer to acceptance ratio by 3x

Reading Time: < 1 minute The active candidate pool has made Salesforce recruiter’s life much easier, as they are open to opportunities, compared to traditional portals where candidates can be active or passive.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Instahyre’s AI-powered Instamatch technology has helped the TA team to spend more time on candidate engagement. 60% of all the entry and mid-level positions at Salesforce are closed through Instahyre.

Furthermore, Salesforce has gotten 5-8 relevant candidates out of 10 every week for different roles due to Instahyre’s Instamatch technology.


  • Reduced recruiter productivity and increased Turn Around Time (TAT)
  • Duplicate and outdated resumes


  • 200% increase in the offer conversion ratio
  • Increased recruiter productivity due to active and interested candidate pipeline

Instahyre has been giving the best quality profiles; more than 70% of my team at Salesforce uses Instahyre for their sourcing. All 100% roles I have closed are done through Instahyre. Since I opened my account and started using Instahyre. I haven’t used any other portal.

Nirmal Jacob Varghese

Technical Talent Acquisition Specialist, Salesforce

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