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<1 min | Posted on 10/11/2021

Magic Scheduling: Automated Interview Scheduling System

A built-in interview scheduling system which helps recruiters hire candidates and schedule interviews more easily and effectively.

This Datasheet will help you understand:

  • How to seamlessly send interview invites with Instahyre’s in-built “Scheduler”
  • Increase candidate Interview conversion rate by 2X
  • Collaborate with hiring managers, interviewers, and other team members

Let us help you reduce your time to interview by 5 days and increase the interview slot confirmation by 100%

As per a study, a recruiter spends two-thirds of their overall hiring time just on the interview process. Scheduling an interview is by far one of the most time-consuming and cumbersome aspects of the hiring process. The scheduler helps you solve this!

What can you do with Instahyre Magic Scheduling?

  • Provide superior interview scheduling experience to candidates
  • Add your free interview slots in advance to avoid any overlaps
  • Reduce your interview confirmation time & provide seamless rescheduling
  • Integrate your calendar and seamlessly conduct interviews

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