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<1 min | Posted on 10/11/2021

Conduct your next Hiring Drive with Instahyre

Our hiring drive is build on advanced technology that deploys at scale and attracts high-quality candidates in huge numbers in record time.

This Datasheet will help you understand:

  • How to successfully conduct hiring drive on Instahyre
  • Use automation and advanced hiring tools to hire in bulk
  • Hire candidates in bulk without compromising on the quality of talent.

Let us help you hire in bulk for your next hiring drive and reduce your hiring time by 67%

Outdated hiring solutions always struggle to handle high volume hiring needs while keeping candidate relevancy intact. “Instahyre Hiring Drives” is made especially for recruiters like you, to create the maximum impact in the shortest possible time without compromising on your talent requirements.

What can you do with Instahyre Hiring drives?

  • Expand your workforce in a short period of time.
  • Use Instahyre’s advanced tools such as Scheduler, Inbox, Reminder emails etc to increase conversions.
  • Save hundreds of hours with automation at every hiring stage, time bound events, as well as dedicated customer support to help you reach your goals with a faster turnaround.
  • Send bulk-hiring drive alerts to candidates which are shown to them on priority, before any other job on the platform.

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