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<1 min | Posted on 04/12/2021

How did every employee of Starbucks become an advocate of their employer branding

Reading Time: 6 minutes According to a research, 50% of candidates check a company’s employer branding and if it has negative feedback they don’t consider joining it.

Reading Time: 6 minutes

In the present times where things have been completely redefined within the span of a year, companies are required to re-look into their functionality and revamp it. Employer branding is no different and to think that the pre-Covid branding can be used as it is can end up tarnishing your image in the long run. Currently, when the social media users alone have gone up to 3.96 billion people from 2.07 billion in 2015, there’s a lot that needs to be thought about and done. 

So, while you are having meetings and discussing what steps to take to ensure that you remain a favourite among the desired talent pool, here are some things you should completely steer clear from.

An undefined employer brand

According to a research, 50% of candidates check a company’s employer branding and if it has negative feedback they don’t consider joining it. However, there are companies who haven’t really focused on having a well defined employer brand which often ends up in candidates not applying for their job or if they do they reject the offers or leave quickly after joining. And it is indeed one of the biggest mistakes whether you are a startup or a big firm.

Relying simply on your company’s brand to attract talent is not a wise move. It’s extremely crucial to define what your standpoint is as an employer- how you treat your employees has to be different from your clients and customers.

Treating employee well is important

Take a look at how Google has one of the most interesting ways to let their candidates know how they treat their employees. Every year Google receives about 3 million resumes for their various job postings. That clearly indicates the interests candidates have in working with Google and trust us, it’s not just because of the name.

Google is well known for giving a lot of perks to their employees including growth and developmental opportunities. Apart from that as part of their employer branding initiatives Google also let’s the finalized candidates have a feel of how it’s like to work with them by hosting ‘Open days’. This is not only an innovative solution but also the most realistic way to establish a positive image. Check out how Google has been improving on its branding image over the years.

Employees aren’t machines

Another mistake that has become more and more common in the present scenario is the employees feeling a void of connection and a sense of belongingness with the company. Although no company voluntarily chooses to ignore their employees, when it happens it can lead to a whole lot of resignations coming their way.

Based on the ROI metrics used for measuring employer brand is retention rate, contributing to a whopping 38%. Every employee wants to feel that they belong to the company, so you can’t treat them like machines and do the bare minimum to keep them working for the firm.

Remember, how you treat them doesn’t just impact how they feel about the company and stay in the company but also what they tell others. So, if you want to have nothing but good reviews spreading about the company, it’s time you make your employees feel at home. Your treatment will decide the destiny of your company.

Improving communication with the employees

One company that has mastered the art of making its employees feel at home is Salesforce. They address their teammates and clients as ‘Ohana’ inspired by the Disney movie Lilo and Stitch which means family in Hawaiian. And they don’t just preach but take care of everyone like a family.

Their employer branding has been so strong that in 2017 they were ranked as World’s no.-1 workplace by Fortune. They often organize wherein employees can meet a semi-formal atmosphere and unwind. Going by the quote- ‘Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten!’ Salesforce is delivering one of the best employer brand images out there.

Lack of communication

As employees gradually become a part of the company, often it happens that the companies start forgetting to check on them. It’s not mostly conscious however, it is the reality. And now, that we have moved to a completely remote setup for most industries it has started happening more than ever. Believe it or not but according to a study conducted as many 86% of people expect CEOs to talk about the present situation and keep the employees informed.

However, unfortunately, most companies and their CEOs forgot to address the issue post the initial phase. Needless to say, the lack of communication creates trust issues among the employees and they wouldn’t only walk out but also might not have a good review for you.

Google’s approach to better employer branding

“Technology doesn’t drive innovation, people do” isn’t just a slogan but a way of life at Cisco. Hence, they ensure that their employees don’t just work with them but truly enjoy working with them and are happy in the environment.

Their People Deal communicates with all the potential Cisconians what they can expect once they join Cisco. Even when the pandemic hit they ensured to keep their employees reeled in on the new adaptations and policies being considered to cope and adapt to the ‘new normal.’

Lack of appreciation for your employees 

Global studies reveal that 79 percent of people who quit their jobs cite ‘lack of appreciation as their reason for leaving. Employees are often ready to let go of opportunities that pay better for the companies that treat them better. Whether a fresher or a seasoned professional we all wish to be appreciated for the work we deliver and it motivates us too.

But more often than not, companies forget that while there are star performers from time to time, the company’s functionality is dependent on each individual. It’s not a one-man show but rather a relay where everyone contributes their part to success. Hence, it’s important that each employee feels that they are appreciated and their contribution counts.

Always appreciate your employees

Starbucks sets a great example when it comes to appreciating the employees. They exclusively have separate social media handles to appreciate their employees and attract new talent. Starbucks is well aware that the current generation relies on social media not only to keep themselves entertained but also to find jobs.

Hence, they have ensured to reach their prospective talent where they know that they’ll pay attention. It’s an extremely smart move as they have dedicated a specific hashtag for potential prospects to interact with current employees. They keep updating the handles to not only keep the existing employees happy but also let their potential employees know what they stand for as a brand and how it’s like to work with them.

We all have heard the phrase- desperate times require desperate measures. And believe us these are desperate times for the employers as the market is now run by candidates. A mere handsome salary or a big brand name can’t tip things in your favor and make you a favorite. You have to ensure that you are adding value to their professional life in whatever capacity you can. That would give them a sense of two things majorly- transparency and a sense of belongingness. Once you crack the code of how you will provide these things will automatically tip in your favor. So, go ahead and be the brand that’s every candidate’s dream to work with!

We are about 30 % plus in our organization.The intent was simple, we haven’t put a focus on it but it was embedded in our culture. The focus only has been totally on diversity and inclusion. We need more diverse talent because it does make business sense too. It does impact business.

It does impact our clients. It does reflect on our product so that we are very, very sure of, but that we bake into a hiring process in itself, but not really trying to gauge personality type person is really saying, Hey, this is the job in hand and we need creativity. So we need diversity in different points of you. Can you bring in that? So we ask questions asking specifically on that. We have absolutely no D&I programs within the company as its in our culture and an integral part of it.

Petrina Pinto

Human Resources at Healthplix

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