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<1 min | Posted on 24/04/2017

Get a Startup Job – Do this to get it without experience in 2021

Reading Time: 3 minutes Are you looking for a job in a startup with lots of opportunities to learn and grow in your career...

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Are you looking for a job in a startup with lots of opportunities to learn and grow in your career domain? This blog will teach you the steps you need to follow to achieve this.

Get a Startup Job in India

Convincing someone that have awesome business skills is not easy, especially if you lack experience. But it’s not your experience that startups are looking for. They are looking for talent and dedication to convert thoughts into actions. If you are up for the challenge, here are seven tips that may help you get a startup job.

7 tips to help you get a Startup Job:


It is one of the best ways to start your career in a startup. Internships help you meet exciting minds like and work together in teams. Interning not only help you gain experience and knowledge but also provide a chance to know the market trends so you can apply for a better startup job. Besides, internship experience also helps you prepare for the interviews.

Online Presence

An engaging online presence is a great way to prove that you are valuable. While sending resume cover letters are usually enough. But think of the impression you can leave by creating a website exhibiting your resume, hobbies, etc.

Many startups are active on social media to get the word about their company in the market. So they are likely to hire people who can are already familiar with social media but in a professional way. Therefore, a huge Twitter footprint or frequent Facebook activity proves as an added skill in landing a startup job. (Caution: Party photos with friends on the social media will not make you a better candidate.)

Choose and check

Select your companies to apply based on their vision, work environment and above all your field of interest and expertise rather than pay. Your first startup job may pay maybe less in the beginning but gaining experience and getting accustomed to the actual industry will take you places.

Founders are looking for people who are dedicated and team players and help improve their products. So know the company products like your own. Check the company website for products and policies. For example, if a company sells software, you need to know the specifications, compatibility and applications of it like the lyrics of your favourite song.

Get in touch

Know the market and competitors both, for your benefit and the company you’re applying for. Know where you stand in the market and how you can overcome your shortcomings. Join startup groups on Facebook and engage with staring up communities on other networks as well.

Follow #startup on twitter and good tech blogs that Indian Startups, Entrepreneurs, Founders, etc follow. Networking is a great weapon for folks looking to get a startup job.

Show your individuality

During an interview, if you have a great idea don’t just share it, present it. It will add weight to your words and gets you close to get a startup job. When you present your post achievements during the interview it will show the interviewer that you have what it takes to be successful.

Always reply

Always send a thank you email after an interview. It shows the employer that you are thoughtful, respectful and appreciate the opportunity. Even responding to rejection (Positively like -“Thanks for your consideration”) may help you get a startup job interview.

Be patient

This is probably the key to get a startup job you’ll love. Be patient throughout the process and apply for as many startups as you are interested in. Include good cover letters and manage your expectations.

Lastly, all the best for preparing and to get a startup job. Remember, once you get the job, give your best there -go all in. And if you don’t find the work environment agreeable, don’t stop looking out for better opportunities. Being curious is the key to survival in this fast forward world. Now be on your mark and get-set to go get a startup job!

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