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<1 min | Posted on 29/07/2016

Are you hiring smartly or just filling up spaces?

Reading Time: 2 minutes With so much of moolah being put into startups, hiring still remains a major source of headache for most of...

Reading Time: 2 minutes

With so much of moolah being put into startups, hiring still remains a major source of headache for most of the founders. How do you avoid committing hiring mistakes? Money is there to be given to the best of talents across the country, but are we giving it away smartly or just trying to fill our office places with this money. Industry trends show an increase in average salary of the funded startups compared to the unfunded ones. But how do we ensure that their salary is justified. Are they capable enough to take charge? Are they a team player? Do they need a manager over them?.

Steve Jobs said, “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people, and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.”

The onus is on the founders of startups to make sure that each hire they make is worth every penny given to them. When founders have a lot of funds in their bank account, they generally end up making more hires than required or paying them more than they deserve. Both a sign of bad hiring. This is what I mean when I say filing spaces.

With a little bit of time and pre-planning you can hire the best candidate. First of all, jot down the tasks that are needed to be done. Then how many tasks can be clubbed together and can be done by a single guy. Make an extensive list of skills that are required to complete the tasks mentioned in the list. This list is very important so that you don’t end up hiring a person who lacks those skills and then you again have to hire somebody to do that particular task for you. Take your time while doing these tasks.

Now that you have written skill set and tasks , lets get int the actual hiring process. You need to structure your hiring process to hire efficiently and making the right choice. Sum up the total employees you need, calculate the funds you have to make those hires and see if you need to make any changes in the job description. Share your plan with your hiring manager as well.

If you devote a little bit of your time to your hiring process, you can reap really good results in future. These plans or roadmap can be followed by your subsequent hiring manager or recruiters and you will always be able to find the right candidate that fits the job profile rather than having people occupying empty spaces in your office.

How do you plan your hiring? Share with us in the comments section.

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