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<1 min | Posted on 01/08/2023

How Porter increased candidate relevancy by 80%

One of the challenges faced by the recruitment team of Porter was not finding relevant candidates using traditional job portals. The percentage of non relevant was high, which resulted in increased time to hire and cost per hire.

With Instamatch, the sourcing gets more effective and insightful, that shows highly relevant candidates for each open position. 

Additionally, it gives recruiters more time to be productive and perform strategic tasks.


  • Unable to showcase EVP on traditional job portals.
  • Low candidate relevancy.


  • 70-80% of candidate relevancy ratio found on Instahyre.
  • Offer to Joining ratio went up by 60%.

“Hiring a suitable candidate to fulfil the position was not just essential but also needed to scale up the business as Engineering Managers work as the backbone for scaling the team and taking the team to the next level, developing new product features, revamping existing features, working closely with the product team, understanding the visions, translating it to engineering language are the key responsibilities of engineering managers, and getting this skill set is essential. In the last year and a half with porter, we’ve reached the right candidate conveniently compared to traditional job portals.”

Aniket Nanjee

DGM – Talent Acquisition at Porter

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