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<1 min | Posted on 03/05/2017

Bitten by Wanderlust? Here are 6 Travelling Jobs in India for you

Reading Time: 2 minutes Travelling is a fun way to broaden your knowledge of different cultures and places. Won’t it be interesting if you...

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Travelling is a fun way to broaden your knowledge of different cultures and places. Won’t it be interesting if you could make a career out of any travelling jobs in India?
Have you ever wished that you could travel as part of your chosen career path? Are travelling jobs your dream career?
Yes? We’ll, this article will introduce you to 7 best travelling jobs in India. As a bonus, we’ll also provide some tips on how you can get these jobs. Let’s begin.

Travel Writer

A travel writer job may be a bit tough in the beginning as you might need to rely on your own funding. But once you’ve made a name for yourself, you can get paid a ton of money to travel the world and write about your experiences. To land this travelling job in India, a good place to start will be the Freelance websites.

Travel Show Host

This is one of the most fun and exciting careers to get involved in. It allows you to travel everywhere you can possibly think of and explore different parts of each country. To look for such travelling jobs in India we’d suggest you start with the entertainment companies.

Web/Graphic Designer

A skill like Graphic/Web Designing allows you to create content for people all over the world. As long as you have access to a computer or laptop and an internet connection, you’re set. Web and Graphic Designers are usually in high demand in India and you will be able to travel if or when necessary.

Sports Instructor

If there is a specific sport that you are rather good in, you could offer your services to countries such as India to start local teams.
A This will not only build good activities for children, but you can enter International competitions and get the opportunity to travel abroad.

English Teacher

Teaching roles are highly sought after in India, especially English Teachers. All you need is the right experience and background to be able to teach from basic to advanced levels. If you have those skills, you’ll be in high demand for young to older children and possibly adults who would like to learn the language.

Aid Worker

As an aid worker, you not only get travelling jobs in India, but also a range of foreign countries. While travelling across the world, you’ll get to solve real issues and help struggling locals. In other words, this job comes with a moral chip on your shoulder and you get smiles on people’s faces. Imagine that!
We hope the information in this article helps you decide on your favourite travelling jobs in India. Now go out and explore the world while earning a buck!
Note: If you’re looking for remote work with amazing companies, register here in a minute and let top companies reach out to you.

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