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<1 min | Posted on 01/02/2017

5 Ready-To-Use Tips to Make Your Job Search Suck Less

I’ll admit that some folks may like it. Especially the ones who are in love with the thrill of a...

I’ll admit that some folks may like it. Especially the ones who are in love with the thrill of a chase. But I’ll tell you this – they are only a minority. And even they don’t like all parts of the job search process.
So, how do you stop your spirits from crashing down each time a rejection mail pops in? Or when waiting for a response becomes too much?
Here’s how. Below is a list of 5 ready-to-use tips to make the job search suck less. Let’s get started.

Stop Stressing Over It

It’s natural to get stressed during a torturous job search. I know anything I tell you won’t stop the stress. But get this – your major stress comes from worrying and taking things personally. For example: You get a rejection letter. Your response: Instantly lose hope and your confidence takes a mighty nosedive. Right?
Happens to the best of us. What helps here is to see the bigger picture. Realize that your dream opportunity isn’t going to land at your feet right away. Searching for a job that’s right for you takes a lot of work. And if you’re constantly beaten by every battle, winning the war may look like a pipedream.
A really great way to fight the inevitable stress that comes with job search is to focus and plan out the important stuff. Ask yourself, where do you really want to see yourself in five years.

“It is important not to confuse ‘goals’ and ‘desires’. Goals are the things that you really want to achieve, while desires are things you want that can prevent you from reaching your goals.” – Ray Dalio

Sometimes, all it takes to accept the highs and lows is figuring out the “why” of your goal. That’s why you should do things that you like (a hobby perhaps?) in between applying for jobs and giving interviews. You can also pick many de-stressing techniques like the ones listed here.

Try a Broader Approach (Instead of Focusing on One Right Role)

Ideally, it’s a great thing to narrow down your focus to one role. However, it could easily turn into a big mistake when you’re already struggling in the job search.
Say you’re in the advertising domain. You search for jobs by their titles, like ‘copywriter,’ or ‘content creator’. And you think this technique is effective as it’s cutting out the irrelevant roles and saving you time. But it’s actually hurting your chances.
How? Because companies place jobs in organizational categories, not job roles. So, while you’re searching for ‘copywriter’ under advertising, you can miss out similar roles under marketing. What if a job description for ‘content strategist’ or ‘social media content curator’ pops out to you? Therefore, it’s time to broaden your blanket search to find all opportunities.
And because when you’re open to other roles, you may uncover some interesting opportunities. For instance, you favor a good salary with a relatively stable job. But what if you find a startup offering exciting work and which may ultimately result in great payoff as well. Don’t believe me? Here’s the proof.

Turn Off that Computer (And Go Out to Network)

It’s simple logic really. Your chances of landing a great gig increase when the number of people who could potentially offer you a job increase.
Staring at your inbox the whole day won’t give land you a job. Neither will endlessly spamming your resume to every open position. You know what works better than online networking? Meeting real people.
Go to networking events, invite an ex-colleague for coffee, request invites for industry events. All of these places are bustling with people who can offer you a job. Not only are you now open to job opportunities, but feedback as well.
One thing about computers that sucks is they can’t give feedback. In contrast, the people you meet can. Maybe your telephonic interview strategy is bad or your resume doesn’t reflect your true personality. These are things that only your peers can tell you, in person. Head out, you’ll know what you’re doing wrong or what could be done better.

Don’t Sell Yourself at Every Meetup

I just made this huge pitch for meeting people in the field during your job search. But I left out what you should actually do there.
No, handing everyone your business card right after you shake their hand isn’t on the list. Nor is talking about your achievements and skills in the hope they’ll maybe notice and offer you a job. The risk of sounding like a desperate salesman is too high here!
Instead, connect with them on a human level. Maybe you share an interest, maybe they’re an Elon Musk fan as well. Find that out first! Because when you have a shared interest with them, they’re much more likely to help you out. Otherwise, they’ll forget your name as soon as they turn to meet another fellow at the meetup.

Stop Refining Your Resume Every Day!

This is the last tip I can offer so you can take a breather from your frantic job search. I know how obsessive we become about our resume during job search. Every word on it has to be just right, every sentence practiced 500 times, every section in the right order.
Some even blame rejection on a mistake on the resume that’s not even there. Well, for all you resume obsessed folks here’s a shocker – A perfect resume is a myth. Sure, crafting a stellar resume needs great skills and greater time. Yet, editing it every hour in no way increases your odds of landing an interview (or the job.)
Alternative: Spend 4-5 hours updating your resume and make sure it’s error free. That’s it. For further tips here are a few resources to get you started.
How to Write a Resume With No Work Experience
The Art of Decoding a Job Description (to Write a Killer Resume)
5 Skills on Your Resume That Instantly Grab a Company’s Attention


In the end, it’s about your grit and never backing down from challenges. Apart from the little outside help, it’s totally upto you to make job search a worthwhile and positive experience. And if you ever feel bogged down during the process, you’re welcome to our helpful career guidance tips like these to lift you straight up and back into the fight.
Happy job hunting!]

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