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<1 min | Posted on 04/05/2017

5 Most Promising Job Opportunities For The Next 5 Years

Reading Time: 2 minutes Promising Job Opportunities in 2021: Fortunately, that hasn’t changed much but only added more layers on the top. In the...

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Promising Job Opportunities in 2021:

Fortunately, that hasn’t changed much but only added more layers on the top. In the 21st century, demand has shifted and so have the best job opportunities.
In the world of computers, advanced healthcare and technology in different sectors, Promising Job Opportunities have experienced enormous growth. And interestingly, the current generation is defining the new Promising Job Opportunities – as opposed to the legacy companies.
Here, I’m going to list 5 main Promising Job Opportunities which are going to be hot choices for next 5 years and more.

Data Scientist

With vast reach of Internet, all kinds of data are flooding every day from different sources. This data need proper management in order to be meaningful. A data scientist does this job of managing data plus the extraction of proper meaning from this huge chunk.
Now, almost all business expansion ideas rely upon the predictions made by the data scientist on how the market is going to behave. With huge growth rate and a median salary of around $130000, this job acts as one of the Promising Job Opportunities and certainly provide a luxurious life.


Somewhat similar to the job role of a Data Scientist, a statistician’s job is to collect, analyze and present data in an understandable form. Basically, one major difference from a data scientist is that a statistician doesn’t need the knowledge of programming (languages such as R, Python etc.).
Currently, a wide range of sectors such as education, finance, health, market research and government administration require statisticians to do the job of extracting and analyzing the data by making it presentable. With pay scales as high as $80,000 to $90,000 and a growth rate of 56%, this job certainly qualifies our category of Promising Job Opportunities.

Physicians and Surgeons

Apart from engineering and software sector, healthcare advancements have led to a huge demand for physicians and surgeons in the last decade. Incidentally, according to one research, most of the physicians and surgeons have ages more than 55 years.
This contributes to huge openings in this field apart from the supporting fact of increasing healthcare consciousness. With earnings of more than $170,000 and growth rate of 21%. If you’ve set your career goals in the medical field, you’re set for the future.

Computer Analyst

This chair job might not provide mental peace but certainly is one hot choice as all other factors support an individual’s decision. The proliferation of sensitive content stored online along with the need of development in software systems, this job covers up major aspects of technical advancement in computing sector.
With the salary of $90000 and growth rate above 17%, this profile is challenging as well as moneymaking. General roles in this domain include computer systems analyst or network security analyst.


Dentists and orthodontists earning huge pay of around $25000 make this skill a leading choice among other Promising Job Opportunities. With proper education and training, this branch of medical science is chosen for its flexibility. It’s also less stressful with a high paying job growth rate of more than 20%.
All these five jobs are according to the current trends determined by technological advancement along with changing needs of the population. These jobs are expected to remain the top hot choices in next 5 years.
Note: Want to get one of the jobs of the future? Stay on top of jobs in technology with Instahyre where top employers are hiring exceptional talent right now.

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