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<1 min | Posted on 02/02/2017

10 Dumbest Interview Answers! Avoid saying this in you interview

Reading Time: 2 minutes Screwing up your interview because of interview jitters or a case of nerves is one thing. It’s normal (and somewhat...

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Screwing up your interview because of interview jitters or a case of nerves is one thing. It’s normal (and somewhat acceptable). But replying with absolutely moronic answers needs a special class of candidates altogether.

Therefore, in our quest to show you how badly some candidates can mess-up their job interviews, here are 10 dumbest interview answers ever.

Here are 10 Dumbest Interview Answers:

#1. A Life-Saving Reply

The interviewer asks: “What’s one of your weaknesses?”
“I drew a blank, and for some reason, the only answer I could come up with is “I sleep too much.”
“It was an interview for a lifeguard”

#2. The Logic King

Me: “What did you like most about your classes at XYZ college?”
Candidate: “Well, there were a lot of Indians and Asians there, so it must be a good school.”

#3. The Einstein Returns

Me: “What was the outcome of Project X (at his previous firm)?”
Him: “I’d tell you but you wouldn’t understand.”

#4. Common Sense Anyone?

“I had a server sitting on my workbench, and I asked a candidate, “This thing won’t power on. What do you think the cause of this is?”
He starts rattling off stuff like “Maybe it has bad RAM?” “It could be a failed power supply?” “Does it have a virus?” “Could be the hard drive failed?”
I shook my head after each answer before he finally gives up and admits defeat, “I don’t know; what is it?”
I point at the rear of the machine, “It’s not plugged in.”
Him: “Oh. Yeah, that would do it.”

#5. But…Granpa Loves Me

“I once asked someone to bring their references – he brought his grandfather….

#6. Just Postpone My Joining

“Not an answer but we were just finishing an interview that went well and…”
The guy says – “Do you drug test? Cause, I can’t do one today but I will next week if I need to.”

#7. The Greatest Dilemma Ever

“I’ve never hired anyone, but once I saw an exchange on Facebook where a girl was telling a friend about an interview. Apparently, when the interviewer asked for a time she’d had to make a difficult decision, she said…
“Every weekend when I go clubbing, it’s really hard to decide what to wear.”

#8. The Curious Case of an Autobiography

“I got one resume that was about 4 pages long and literally listed every life accomplishment that this lady had.
Highlights included: 1) “Reading, writing and arethmitic” (sic) 2) “Ability to hear and understand simple instruction” 3) Brown belt – Tae Kwon Do 4) Good cook”

#9. I’m a Spy

“When I informed a prospective employee during the 2nd interview that we do a complete background investigation and we can’t have a discrepancy between what he listed on his application and the investigation, he asked if he could reapply using a different name and Social Security number.

#10. Of Kitties and Rainbows

Interviewer: “So, what do you think are your strengths?”
Girl: “My strengths are… my mother and father.”
*Interviewer tries not to laugh*
Interviewer: “How about your weaknesses?”
Girl: “Uhm, honestly…
… chocolates.”
That’s all for this post folks. Want more fun stuff plus great career advice? Stay tuned to this blog where we post awesome stuff daily.]]>

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